Hannibal Featured Artists Featured Artists Featured Artists Featured Artists


One World Symphony
One World Symphony Vocal Artists
Sung Jin Hong, Artistic Director and Conductor

Ludwig van Beethoven: from Symphony No. 7 (1813)
Margaret Allison Bonds: The Negro Speaks of Rivers (1942)
Valerie Capers: “Winter,” Song of the Seasons (1987)*
Rob Adler: تَقْسِيم‎‎ (Taqsim, 2017 world premiere)*
Michael Mandrin: Sürgün (Exile, 2017 world premiere)*
Meditation on a poem by Bejan Matur
Sung Jin Hong: DEFIANT*
(2017 world premiere), a symphonic poem with four interconnected movements:
I. “The River” (Hangang, 한강)
II. “Dream Deferred” (inspired by the Langston Hughes poem)
III. “New World,” from Charlie Chaplin's
The Great Dictator
IV. “Michelle Obama: Shaken me to my core”

*Living composers

also featuring members from the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center of New York sharing the traditional Sanskrit song, Mahishasura Mardini

Sunday, January 22, 2017
8:00 p.m.
Church of the Holy Apostles 
296 Ninth Avenue at 28th Street

All Tickets: $20 at door only
Seating is limited.
Online store is closed. All tickets must be purchased at the door.

During World War II, Charlie Chaplin appealed for a new world where tolerance, love, and kindness reigned. His impassioned speech from the 1940 film The Great Dictator resonates today more than ever. Seventy-six years later, with vocal gravitas, Michelle Obama delivered an ardent address condemning the abuse and harassment of women. Not only did her words crystallize feelings of outrage and hurt, her message went beyond the politics of the moment. It tapped far deeper into the heart of the issue — confronting our future as brothers and sisters and our shared humanity.

What would happen if each one of us adopted Beethoven's approach with unassailable optimism and pathos? What if we each accordingly acted to transform ourselves first and...


Win FREE tickets!

If you can successfully identify the subject of all 40 images on our Defiant poster, we’ll give you two tickets to the January 22 performance!

Simply click on the poster to the right to enlarge, send us an email at defiant@oneworldsymphony.org by January 20 listing and correctly identifying — 1 through 40 — each of One World Symphony’s chosen Defiant ones, and we will award you with two tickets to Defiant on January 22, 2017.

BONUS ROUND: If you can successfully identify the subject of all 40 images as outlined above AND briefly tell us what makes them Defiant, we will award you with two tickets to Defiant on January 22, 2017 AND two additional tickets to any upcoming One World Symphony program.

• There are a couple of overlaps or duplicates.
• One of the images represents a concept rather than an actual historical subject.

Email submissions by January 20, 2017 to defiant@oneworldsymphony.org

Availability is limited. Limit one entry per person.


Collaboration with Mount Sinai's SAVI (Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Program)

Staff from Mount Sinai's Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Program (SAVI) will be on-site at Defiant to discuss the vital nature of their work and their role in serving the survivors of sexual assault in our local community. SAVI provides immediate crisis intervention, follow-up counseling to survivors and their families, as well as educational services to public and professional communities on the issues of sexual and domestic violence.

Read interview with SAVI's Executive Director, Lynn Frederick Hawley >>

“Love demands all, and has a right to all.”
– Ludwig van Beethoven

“Let us fight to free the world — to do away with national barriers - to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a new world...” – Charlie Chaplin

“I was in this this terribly prejudiced place...'The Negro Speaks of Rivers' helped my feelings of security. Because in that poem he [Langston Hughes] tells how great the black man is... and I know that poem helped save me.” – Margaret Allison Bonds

“We rise up to defend the blessings of liberty. We rise up to embody the values of equality and opportunity and sacrifice. Hope is important...” – Michelle Obama

“No more I will sing my winter song...the time has past...my heart beats fast...my soul takes wing...tomorrow spring.” – Valerie Capers

“This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, and more devotedly than ever before.” – Leonard Bernstein


The approximate length of the program will be 80 minutes without intermission.
The program may be subject to change.



Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 8:00 p.m.
Holy Apostles Church
296 Ninth Avenue at West 28th Street


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